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Selection - One Who Unites Heaven and Earth

from Heaven and Earth Become One
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A seed that is sown bears its own fruit. This is a law. Therefore, if one sows resentment, waves of resentment return again to oneself. If one sows anger, it engenders further anger, which eventually returns to oneself. And if one sows sorrow, sorrow returns to oneself. This is a law, but this law itself does not hold the means for uplifting humanity from its misery. This law is also the basis for atheistic theory. If the human world were governed only by divine law, it would be a world conforming to materialistic principles, a world where the weak fall prey to the strong, and the Earth’s destruction is merely a matter of time.
The ‘God’ expressed in the words ‘God is love’ is not God as divine law, but God as our guardian divinities. It is not the all-inclusive divine life which fills the universe, but a divine existence which has the same feelings of love as human beings have. The reason why, practically speaking, a contradiction has been created in some religious theories is that these two aspects of God have been mixed together as one.
No matter how fervently we may ask the universal law to grant our requests, there is no reason to expect this to be done. This is because law itself can never be bent. Therefore, until we live in tune with the universal law, we will never attain lasting happiness. However, once we become derailed from the universal law, it is next to impossible for us to return to the law by ourselves. If we could do it on our own, no one would ever feel any need for religion, or to call upon God.
It is at this point that religions concerned wholly with worldly gains have been able to slip in and take advantage of people. Such organizations disregard the true aim of spiritual faith—the purification of the soul—and instead encourage their members to seek only short-term advantages. How much a person may suffer later on as a result is not considered. However, the people who rely on these religions care only about their immediate problems. If they can get beyond their present discomfort, it seems like a great blessing for them. This, I think, is why our societies are inundated with profit-seeking religions.
The cause of this phenomenon is that, in many cases, the sincere, scrupulous religions expound their theories without taking note of the contradiction mentioned above. No matter how correct their theory may appear to be, if it is a theory of divine law alone, and does not impart a feeling of deep, merciful love, then people will naturally turn to religions offering worldly gain, even though those religions may be predatory ones.
Having witnessed these two currents in today’s religions, I place greater emphasis on the powerful guidance and saving grace of our guardian divinities, who are the existence of divine love, than on correct spiritual theory (for further discussion on this subject, please see my book God and Man). In doing so, the liberating power of our guardian divinities and spirits becomes my focal point, and I treat all instances of karmic cause and effect as remnants of the now-vanishing past.

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