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You Can Change the World
Ervin Laszlo
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US$ 19.95
Hardcover, 144 pages
ISBN: 1-59079-057-X
You don't have to be a senator or a CEO to make a difference; the changes that can heal the planet begin with you. In this ground-breaking look at the state of the world, distinguished scientist and futurist Ervin Laszlo outlines concrete steps every individual can take right now to change things for the better. With four essays by Masami Saionji (collectively titled “You Can Change Yourself”) and other contributions from Mikhail Gorbachev and Paulo Coelho, this is a practical handbook for the citizen who doesn't want to wait for government and big business to fix the problems of the world. Part political action handbook, part spiritual guide, this is a book for everyone who cares about the future of our planet.

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Other Editions
Japanese (Anata wa sekai o kaerareru)
Spanish (Tú puedes cambiar el mundo)


Introduction by Mikhail Gorbachev

1. The World in Our Hands

2. Breakdown or Breakthrough: A Choice of Futures

3. Think Responsibly

4. Act Responsibly

5. A Star to Follow

6. You Can Change Yourself by Masami Saionji

Postscript: The Tale of the Ancient Alchemists by Paulo Coelho


A Concise Guide to Further Reading compiled by David Woolfson

Read a Selection

May Peace Prevail on Earth—A Call to Action by Masami Saionji

About the author

Masami Saionji
Descended from the Royal Ryuku Family of Okinawa, Masami Saionji was born in Tokyo, Japan. While in her teens she came in touch with the peace vision of philosopher Masahisa Goi, who later designated her as his successor and adopted daughter. She heads several peace organizations, and travels extensively on speaking and seminar tours.
More Information

from the Introduction
by Mikhail Gorbachev
This book helps us to understand the current situation of our planet and to find the path we must take. It helps us determine what we must do and how we must do it to ensure our common well-being. The future that confronts us is an open future. All of us—and that includes you, the reader—can do our bit to decide it.

Read this handbook, and start thinking. This is essential for you, for your family, for your present or future children and grandchildren, for your friends, and for everyone around you.

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