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Infinite Happiness
Masami Saionji
US$ 11.95
Paperback, 135 pages
ISBN: 1-85230-885-0
Each and every one of us is capable of inner peace and happiness, but so often our lives seem full of turmoil, and we are at odds with ourselves and the world in which we live. This book points the way toward a natural state of harmonious health, enabling us to regain the peace and happiness that already exist within each of us.

To Order
Currently out of print; some used copies available from and other online retailers.

Other Editions
French (La voix du cœur)
German (Die Stimme des friedvollen Herzens)
Japanese (Mugen naru shiawase)
Spanish (La felicidad infinita)


Chapter 1: The Worlds That We Are Creating

Chapter 2: Facing Up to the Ego

Chapter 3: Develop Your Intuition

Chapter 4: Energy and Power

Chapter 5: True Prayer

Chapter 6: From Material to Spiritual Culture

Chapter 7: Listen to Your Healthy Heart

Chapter 8: Develop Your Power of Observation

Chapter 9: Doubt

Chapter 10: You Can Put Your Beliefs into Practice

Appendix I: Prayers of Appreciation for the Earth and the Environment

Appendix II: Words of Infinite Light

Read a Selection

Chapter 7: Listen to Your Healthy Heart

About the author

Masami Saionji
Descended from the Royal Ryuku Family of Okinawa, Masami Saionji was born in Tokyo, Japan. While in her teens she came in touch with the peace vision of philosopher Masahisa Goi, who later designated her as his successor and adopted daughter. She heads several peace organizations, and travels extensively on speaking and seminar tours.
More Information

from the Preface
by Masami Saionji
Many people think that happiness cannot be won without fighting and struggling for it. Others believe that to earn happiness, they must somehow prove themselves worhty of it.

I would like you to know that to attain happiness, you need not go through harsh discipline, sacrifice or strain. Nor do you need long years of study, struggle or endurance. Simply by reading this book, I believe that you can naturally start to rediscover the abundantly overflowing happiness and health that already exist within you.

Once this transformation has taken place, you will see that there is no need at all for you to follow anyone else, struggle with anyone else, or seek happiness from anyone else. With your own strength, your own power and your own infinitely shining energy, you will freely create your own wonderful endless life.

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