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One Life: Healing Poems of Higher Awareness for the Earth and Humanity
Hideo Takahashi
US$ 8.25
Paperback, 93 pages
ISBN: 1-4184-0499-3
Through the universal law of harmony, all people, all creatures, and all life on earth were born from one great divine source.  The poems in this book express this spirit of oneness through a new perspective, melting the barriers that separate us from our true, divine Self.
These poems fill us with a deep sense of joy, hope, and courage that well up from within.  They offer us guidance when we are feeling lonely, weary and pessimistic, and provide us with practical steps we can follow in daily life.  Even one poem can awaken us to a new awareness, a new energy, and a new enthusiasm for life.
Translated by Kinuko Hamaya. Edited by Pamela Beasley.

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"One Life"

About the author

Hideo Takahashi
Hideo Takahashi was born in Tokyo and currently lives in Ichikawa City, Japan. For more than thirty years, he served as chief editor and assistant to the Japanese philosopher and peace visionary, Masahisa Goi.
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