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Angels of the Cosmos
My Spiritual Voyage Aboard a Living Space Vessel
Masao Murata
US $12.99 Paperback; $7.99 E-book
Paperback, 336 pages
ISBN: 978-4-89214-151-5
A compelling narrative about the author's spiritual voyage aboard a UFO, guided by cosmic angels from advanced planets. Translated by Kinuko Hamaya and Grace Roberts.

To Order
Paperback: Amazon (US) | Amazon (UK) | B&N
  E-book: EPUB | Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | iBooks | Kobo | Nook
    Paperback and Kindle editions also available from Amazon sites in other countries. EPUB edition is compatible with iBooks, Nook, Kobo, Sony Reader, and most other e-book devices (except Kindle).

Other Editions
  Portuguese (Anjos do Cosmos)
Japanese (Sora o tobu enban to chô-kagaku)


Section I: Arrival of the Space Vessel
1. Boarding the Space Vessel
2. The Captain Speaks

Section II: The Suprascientific Base
3. Boarding the Space Vessel Again
4. The Landing
5. An Interview with the Governor
6. The Wisdom of Space
7. Returning to Earth

About the IN
How to Form the Universal IN for the Self
How to Form the Universal IN for Humanity

Read a Selection

from Chapter 1: Boarding the Space Vessel

About the author

Masao Murata
Masao Murata was born in 1906 in Shiga Prefecture, Japan. While serving as president of a small electric company he spent his spare hours in support of the world peace prayer movement founded by his mentor and close associate, Masahisa Goi.
More Information

from the Preface
by Masahisa Goi
With the growing number of sightings of space vessels around the world today, I do not think we can casually dismiss the existence of cosmic humans. This book is simply laden with information that is beyond the imagination of Earthly human beings, with its descriptions of cosmic humans, structural details about space vessels, and much more. The narrative is also compelling. Even if you were to read a science fiction novel today, I doubt that you would find yourself in such anticpation to discover what wonders awaited you as you turned each page.

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