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Selection - Infinite Happiness

Chapter 7: Listen to Your Healthy Heart
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How does a Healthy Person Think?
People today have forgotten how a healthy person thinks. A truly healthy person naturally thinks bright thoughts all of the time. A truly healthy person speaks only words that emit waves of bright light. Since their minds emanate perfect health, such people never accept negative words, nor do they need to use them. Even though, on the other side of the wall, there are unhealthy people, or people with negative thoughts and actions, those living on this side of the wall remain totally unaffected. They ceaselessly create healthy thoughts and actions with perfect freedom.
When your heart is healthy, everything about you is fair and upright, loving, cheerful and harmonious. Bright light fills your mind and floods out from you. Without making any particular effort, you naturally emanate thankfulness toward everything that sustains your life and helps you to grow.
People with healthy hearts never feel hatred or jealousy of others. They never curse, harm or ridicule others. They cannot. They cannot even imagine doing such things, for such words and actions are possible only for people with ailing hearts. Once you find yourself taking pleasure in another’s failure, wishing for another’s misfortune or envying another’s success, it is a sign that your heart is no longer in perfect health. Unhealthy vibrations have begun to creep in.
When your heart is in perfect health, you naturally say and do things that reflect your luminous, wholesome thoughts. You accomplish your work with zest and enjoyment, with new ideas pouring out one after another. You spontaneously feel that you are working not only for yourself, but for others as well. Since you strive for the benefit of mankind, the fruits of your efforts continue to multiply.
People with healthy hearts live spontaneously, without pretension. On the other hand, many people who have immersed themselves in material society have ailing hearts. They struggle and fight against others, curse, hate and kill others. They, too, once had perfectly healthy hearts. Their bodies used to be healthy too. But as their hearts gradually drifted away from good health, they consciously began to take an interest in physical illness at the same time.
When your heart is healthy, you wish to be in touch with nature. You long to be one with nature. Your thoughts are always airy and clear. You cannot help loving others, and are not content unless you can be thoughtful and helpful toward others. You live a positive lifestyle, your thoughts overflowing with bright hopes. You shun disharmony and strife, and love peace. You can intuitively sense the divine. Since you are aware of your divinity, you emanate thankfulness for all that enables you to live.

Your Healthy Heart is your True Self
No doubt you have heard the phrase human beings are sons and daughters of God. This is just like saying that human beings were originally formed with healthy hearts. Essentially, human beings are not vastly different from God, as most people mistakenly think.
If you maintain a healthy heart, there is nothing to stop you from grasping the truth of your existence. Your healthy heart is your true Self, a current of life flowing from the source of the universe. Your true Self naturally gives expression to all the unlimited qualities of the Universe: unlimited wisdom, unlimited energy and unlimited appreciation. You express them in thought, word, and action without the least strain or difficulty.
Saints and sages are not the only ones who give expression to the divine. If you have a healthy heart, all your thought vibrations are composed of light and light alone. You understand who you really are, and your life resonates in tune with the harmonious laws of the Universe.
Our present world situation paints a picture of war, struggle, famine, epidemics and natural disasters occurring everywhere. We see no end of fear, distress, cruelty and cold-heartedness. All these conditions were caused when mankind lost its healthy heart.
Mankind is sick at heart, but when all people regain their original health, this world will naturally be filled with peace and harmony. A society and a nation made up of people with ailing hearts can only be unhappy, unharmonious and destructive, but a society created by people with healthy hearts is sure to reflect peace, happiness and prosperity.
The same is true for an individual. A way of life created by a person with a sick and injured heart is dark and miserable, but people with healthy hearts build flourishing lifestyles, overflowing with peace and happiness.
From the beginning, each member of humanity had a healthy heart. There is no one whose heart is originally unhealthy.
Fearing nothing, your healthy heart is conscious only of the light. You see the luminous qualities in others, in nature and in everything. Darkness is powerless when faced with light—it simply disappears. That is why your healthy heart can hold nothing that is dark and shadowy. All your thoughts and actions radiate exuberance and gratitude. You feel the joy, success and contentment of others just as you feel your own, for you see no distinction between them and you. This is because, when you are truly healthy, you naturally feel a sense of oneness with the Universe.
This is the natural state of each human being. Yet when your heart is ailing, what is natural is no longer felt to be natural. Everything becomes warped and twisted. The way you see and feel things and the way you communicate with nature is distorted.

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